A Proton not shooting may be caused by a few things. Always point the marker and a safe direction, and always wear eye protection then check for these issues.
Is the battery dead or low power?
Is your velocity adjusted too low to shoot? If the velocity screw in grip is turned too far in the air will be closed off from the engine and prevent the gun from operating.
Is there enough air in your tank to operate the marker? The Proton requires at least 600 psi in your tank to operate the marker.
Is the bolt dirty, jammed or dry? Degas the marker and remove the engine and clean away any dirt, debris, paint, or old lubricant. Confirm the bolt can move back and forth and add a light layer of Dow 33 or similar lubricant to the engine.
Is the trigger out of adjustment? With no air or power, slowly pull the trigger. Do you hear or feel the trigger microswitch clicking(like a computer mouse)? If there is no clicking the micro switch activation screw may be too far in to release the microswitch or too far out to hit it.
Is the solenoid dwell set too low? Solenoid dwell controls how long the solenoid stays open to allow the bolt to move forward and release air to push the paintball out of the barrel. If the dwell is too low the bolt may not get enough air to operate. Stock dwell is set to 6 but each marker varies in the best setting. Try increasing the dwell at 15 and see if it shoots then lower from there.
Is there damage or corrosion to the sensor board, battery wire, flexwire, microswitch, or solenoid? Carefully inspect the electronics for any damage or corrosion.
If the marker is still not working properly contact Valken customer support. Please open a ticket with our customer service department. To open a ticket, please click on the chat button on the bottom of this website and our customer service representative will be happy to assist you.