A Code not shooting can be due to a power, pressure, or mechanical issue. Always point the marker in a safe direct and always wear eye protection and then check for these issues:
Is the battery dead or too low? If there is not enough voltage left in the battery the marker will not be able to fully cycle.
Is there enough air left in your tank? The code requires at least 600 psi just to cycle the marker.
Is the velocity set too low? If the velocity is turned too far in not enough air will make it into the engine to shoot.
Is the tank’s output pressure too low? Your tanks output pressure should be at least 550psi. If you shoot higher than 12 bps your tank output pressure should be higher also.
Is the solenoid dwell set too low? If the Solenoid dwell is too low the solenoid will not stay open long enough to send the bolt forward and release air to shoot. Every gun’s sweet spot is different, but your dwell should be at least 16 and some guns need to be set to 20 or more. The weather can also affect the bolt speed so in very cold or very humid conditions you may need to up the dwell 1-4 points.
If the marker is still not operating correctly contact Valken customer support. Please open a ticket with our customer service department. To open a ticket, please click on the chat button on the bottom of this website and our customer service representative will be happy to assist you.